
General Definitions
Term Meaning
Sustainability InitiativeIt is defined as a practical activity or set of related activities that the firm is performing in order to tackle a societal issue. The following are NOT considered sustainability initiatives: declarations of intents or commitment, definitions of objectives per se, achievement of goals or quality certification, awards received, general declarations of dialogues or interactions/collaborations that are not specifically aimed at any action or goal, and future actions.
3 SDG Macro Categories : PeopleEfforts that aim to end poverty and hunger, in all their forms and dimensions, and to ensure that all human beings can fulfill their potential in dignity and equality and in a healthy and inclusive environment. SDGs covered: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10.
3 SDG Macro Categories : PlanetEfforts that aim to protect the planet from degradation, including through sustainable consumption and production, sustainably managing its natural resources and taking urgent action on climate change, so that it can support the needs of the present and future generations. SDGs covered: 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15.
3 SDG Macro Categories : ProsperityEfforts that aim to ensure that all human beings can enjoy peaceful, prosperous and fulfilling lives and that economic, social and technological progress occurs in harmony with nature. SDGs covered: 8, 9, 11, 16, 17.
5 Types of Action Macro Categories : AdvocacyEfforts that benefit and protect a firm's reputation. This category includes the following types of actions: Donation & Funding, Communication, Association
5 Types of Action Macro Categories : MeasurementEfforts that focus on monitoring risks and opportunities. This category includes the following types of actions: Assessment and Measurement, Adoption of Standards and Rules
5 Types of Action Macro Categories : UpskillingEfforts that involve changing the behaviour and increasing knowledge of stakeholders. This category includes the following types of actions: Volunteerism, Training, Incentives
5 Types of Action Macro Categories : AdaptionEfforts that aim at changing the internal workings of the firm. This category includes the following types of actions: Pricing, Modification of Procedures, Assets modification, Organisational Structuring
5 Types of Action Macro Categories : InnovationEfforts that involve innovating with a purpose. This category includes the following types of actions: R&D Investments, New Product
14 Types of Action
Term Meaning Example
CommunicationsActivities that bring specific information or knowledge from the firm to a certain interlocutor, to generate awareness, engage stakeholders, communicating policies, meetings and conferences, marketing campaigns and information about products, even through web communication.“Coca‐Cola Argentina partners with a large‐scale retail customer to create “Optimismo que Transforma” (translated as Optimism Transforms), a program to generate awareness about the importance of recycling inorganic wastes and driving reuse opportunities for PET. Through the program, consumers are encouraged to rinse and separate used packages before depositing them in recycling stations at the retailer’s locations in Capital Federal, Greater Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Santa Fé, Paraná and Mendoza.”
AssociationActivities through which companies join, collaborate or promote cooperation with other firms, organizations, institutions or communities, including multilateral agreements and collaboration initiatives.“In 2016, the Company became a signatory to the Certa Program of Childhood , a non - governmental organization constituted in Sweden to protect children and ensure that “children are children”.
Donations & FundingPhilanthropic activities through which companies donate money, goods or services as gifts. Includes supporting or sponsoring external sustainability related organizations, initiatives, or programs. In addition, it includes employee benefits, such as healthcare plans. (The donation comes from the corporate itself, not from its stakeholders.)“Through the AT&T Excelerator program, AT&T has given more than $47.8 million in competitive grants to help more than 2,500 community based organizations integrate technology into their operations and community outreach”.
VolunteerismActivities that stimulate and promote volunteerism, fundraising and personal donations from individuals within or outside the firm. (i.e. employees, costumers, community volunteerism).“Some 180 employees helped do forestry work on the Venusberg in Bonn in July 2011. They installed gates and made birdhouses, tables and benches for a "green classroom" under the Haus der Natur (House of nature) scheme. The activities took place in the context of the International Year of Forests 2011”.
Adoption of Standards & RulesActivities involving the underwriting, adoption or comply with externally sourced policies, guidelines, procedures, or standards. “All Company operations and bottling facilities within the Coca-Cola system must establish, implement, document and maintain a safety, environment and quality management system in accordance with TCCMS requirements”.
Modification of ProceduresActivities that modify the procedures adopted by the firm in order to perform a specific activity (e.g. HR selection processes and supply chain activities).“An updated version of the Recruiting and Selection Policy has been issued for the Group’s companies in Italy which recognises the value of each individual’s diversity without discrimination based on gender, religion, ethnicity, opinion or ability. The Policy supports equal opportunities for men and women in the selection process. From 2010, the recruiting and selection service for professional positions has been entrusted to the company HR Services S.r.l.
Assessment and measurementActivities with which the firm collect information from inside or outside. Including retrieval, research, survey, data collection, studies and measurement.“The seventh corporate climate survey was carried out after a two-year interval. The survey involved the use of a questionnaire updated with the assistance of SDA Bocconi and was made available online for a period of two weeks. New questions were added in order to find out and make the most of interactions within the company. The listening activities included interviews and focus groups aimed at identifying the reason behind the problems identified and taking prompt and concrete improvement action. The general satisfaction rate in Italy, on a scale of 1 to 10, was 7.23 (6.35 in the previous survey) and at Tim Brasil was 7.65 (7.36 in the previous survey).”
Organizational StructuringActivities that involve a structural change in the organizational structure of the firm. Including the modification or establishment of new divisions, functions, roles (e.g. management positions), committees, teams or bodies.“2008 also saw the establishment of the Supervisory Body, a committee that verifies and guarantees proper execution of the undertakings, ensuring equality of access for the other operators to the fixed network infrastructure through the Open Access department and achievement of the service quality objectives.”
TrainingTeaching activities aimed at improving knowledge, skills, and competencies.“Tim Brazil. “young Apprentice”: this programme promotes the training of young people between the ages of 16 and 24 for potential employment throughout all areas of the Company. An administrative training course is provided for minors to prepare them to enter the world of work. The programme, begun in 2008, enrolled 194 participants in 2010.”
PricingMarketplace activities by which the firm sets up or modifies pricing structures and tariffs.“We decreased the pricing of our Green Earth Fertilizer Line in order to encourage our customers to use products that do not damage the soil”.
Incentives and DisincentivesActivities involving the devolvement of benefits, privileges, or rewards toward a particular stakeholder in order to gratify or stimulate an action. Include disincentives and punishments. “17 of our local markets offer incentives to encourage customers to return old handsets. These include free solar charger in Albania and jewellery made from recycled electronic waste in the Czech Republic.”
R&D InvestmentsActivities that encompass an investment aimed at introducing a technological novelty in a product, service or process. They include structural investments in prototyping, trial and researching.“AT&T has initiated a pilot program to test hybrid vehicles to assess their service capabilities and potential energy-consumption benefits.”
New productLaunch (make it available to the market) of a new product or service. It includes new product's technical specification, the inclusion of new components or features into an existing product or service, as well as packaging; price is not included.“In 2009, we introduced glacéau vitamin water zero™, a naturally sweetened, no calorie beverage enhanced with vitamins, minerals and electrolytes, in the U.S. The beverage is naturally sweetened with Truvia™ —a high purity extract of the stevia leaf—and is available in seven flavors.”
Assets ModificationActivities that build, expand or modify the physical assets owned and used by the Company to run their activities. This may include production assets, commercial assets and distribution assets (e.g. machines, devices, vehicles, buildings or facilities). “Finally, at SA Recycling’s Terminal Island location they installed a regenerative thermal oxidizer, which significantly reduces volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from the facility ’s material shredders.
17 Sustainability Development Goals
Term Meaning Example
SDG 1End poverty in all its forms everywhere“Amazon is a long - term partner of In - Kind Direct International, a charity working across the UK, France, and Germany to broker product giving among the members of its network. Through this partnership, we donated more than 200,000 products, including toys, shoes, clothing, and household items, to 1,800 charities in 2020”.
SDG 2End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.“On the second Saturday of May approximately 230,000 local postal carriers representing 1,500 local post offices collect non - perishable food that is donated to food banks and other local hunger relief organizations in 10,000 communities across the country.”
SDG 3Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.“We also developed a Pop-Up Vaccine Clinic Playbook to help other companies and organizations execute similar vaccination clinics”.
SDG 4Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education.“Customized Skills Training: In 2017 we launched the company-wide appliedX PATHWAY initiative, which creates specialized skills training programs based on an employee’s job role and career categories”.
SDG 5Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.“To enhance these efforts, AWS supports the Girls in Tech annual conference, its Digital Career Fair, a virtual hackathon focused on creating real-world technical solutions powered by women, and AMPLIFY, a startup pitch competition that helps entrepreneurs with funding and mentorship”.
SDG 6Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.“Alongside the steps taken to reduce our water consumption, which are to be continued, new equipment was put into service on Reunion Island at the end of 2014 to separate the industrial effluent and contaminated runoff water treatment networks”.
SDG 7Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all.“At the Sapporo Beer Company ’s Hokkaido plant, we introduced a highly efficient gas cogeneration system using city gas, resulting in annual energy savings of 25,052 giga joules”.
SDG 8Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.“In 2020, Amazon launched the Neighborhood Small Business Relief Fund to provide cash grants and free rent to Seattle small businesses that needed assistance. Through this fund, Amazon disbursed $ 11 million in relief to more than 900 small businesses, supporting local jobs and helping small businesses confront the economic challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic”.
SDG 9Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.“Access to financing has been a challenge for suppliers to Shell companies in Nigeria. In collaboration with leading banks in the country, the SPDC Joint Venture (SPDC JV) and the Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Company Limited continue to fund a mechanism that offers local contractors faster access to loans at cheaper interest rates”.
SDG 10Reduce inequality within and among countries.“We are joining other employers in the MLT Black Equity at Work Certification, a new standard that requires employers to assess and make meaningful progress toward achieving Black equity internally while supporting Black equity in society”.
SDG 11Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.“In Ireland, AWS is collaborating with the City of Dublin, the South Dublin County Council, and Fortum, a Finnish energy supply company, to bring district heating to South Dublin. By the end of 2021, recycled heat from an AWS data center will provide a low-carbon, low-cost source of heat for public sector, residential, and commercial customers in the Dublin suburb of Tallaght”.
SDG 12Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.“We have installed cameras at the Group ’s production sites to visually identify VOCs that may be emitted through pipes, valves and tanks”.
SDG 13Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.“In conjunction with the survey we conducted a test called the Climate Account. The Climate Account is intended to raise people’s awareness of their own individual climate impact in their daily lives, and how they can reduce it.”
SDG 14Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development.“Through a partnership with the Royal Thai Marine Corps, our employees from Laem Chabang, Thailand built temporary housing structures for the reef out of spare PVC materials and transplanted coral reefs into the sea in an effort to repair and restore damaged coral populations”.
SDG 15Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.“In a partnership established with Assistência Médica Internacional (AMI) five hectares of pine forest destroyed in the 2017 fires were rehabilitated, with the use of a donation amounting to 50 thousand obtained via the commitment of donating one euro per each client that subscribes to the e - statement instead of the paper one”.
SDG 16Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.“During Delta Annual Partner Meeting & Partner Award 2016, the company arranged the topic of anti-corruption to educate suppliers about anti-corruption policies and intention against corruption”.
SDG 17Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.“In 2020, we announced a collaboration with Daimler Truck AG, IVECO, OMV and the Volvo Group to support the roll-out of hydrogen trucks in Europe, which will be needed to meet the EU's ambition of net-zero emissions by 2050”.

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