The Leonardo Centre on Business for Society is a cross-disciplinary research centre based in Imperial College Business School. We partner with committed businesses, policy makers, researchers, and civil society to innovate and experiment with inclusive and sustainable logics of business.
We believe that environmental destruction and social and economic injustice are not inevitable consequences of economic growth.
This set of dashboard leverages a dataset created by the GOLDEN for Impact Foundation in collaboration with the Leonardo Centre on Business for Society at Imperial College Business School. The dataset includes initiatives extracted from sustainability reports, which are crawled from the internet or assembled from dedicated sources and organisations to cover all the available reports written in English. A set of machine learning algorithms read the reports to identify the text describing each sustainability initiative and categorises each initiative according to the relevant SDG and the specific type of behaviour. Initiatives are defined as actions (not intentions), performed by a company in addressing a given SDG. The complete list of initiatives with definitions is available in the Glossary.
To the best of our knowledge, this dataset represents the only global coverage of corporate sustainability initiatives available today. Moreover, the fact that such initiatives are categorised by their objective (SDG) and their behavioural components adds to its distinctiveness.
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